100 Fitness Challenges: Month-long Darebee Fitness Challenges to Make Your Body Healthier and Your Brain Sharper is a DAREBEE fitness book collecting 100 fitness challenges you can do to stay mentally sharper and physically healthier.

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This collection is complete and it is absolutely free - no strings attached. The project is supported exclusively via donations, we have no sponsors or ads on this website. If you like this collection, please consider donating a dollar to help us support and maintain this resource. All of the challenges from this collection can be found in our challenges' database.

A paperback option is available from any local bookstore or from Amazon.com, Amazon.de or Amazon.co.uk. Paperbacks always contain the same information already available for free on this resource. It is also an easy way to introduce someone else to bodyweight training offline. When you buy a paperback you pay for printing and store fees, DAREBEE only makes $1 from each sale. That money goes directly into our development and maintenance fund.